CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX


Researchers have found that the highest job satisfaction comes from employees who believe they are making a meaningful difference.

However, good employers believe that job satisfaction is the responsibility of the company! It takes the initiative to create satisfied employees before it tries to create satisfied customers.

Southwest Airlines and Disney are two examples of such companies.

God wants believers who are satisfied. Content. He already took the initiative, satisfying the just punishment for our sins in the sacrifice of his Son Jesus. Jesus teaches us what it means to be satisfied disciples, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

A full life, as defined by the One who can truly give it, is believing in Jesus, living daily in his dying and rising, following his voice, and making a meaningful difference.

And God is totally committed to your soul satisfaction. “God is able to make all grace abound to you.” He continually gives—more than you need. “You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous” (2 Corinthians 9:8,11).

Fulfillment in life depends not on abundance but attitude.

To put that spiritually, contentment and peace are already yours by faith in God—not by achieving the perfect career, not from better health, not from finding the home of your dreams, not from more investments, not from a friend or spouse who meets every one of your needs.

“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days” (Psalm 90:14). If you’re not finding satisfaction in this life, it’s because you can’t. Nobody can.

Put your hope, your dreams, your desire for full satisfaction in God and his promises. He will satisfy you. He will never let you down. All. Your. Days.

PRAYER: Dear life-giving God, you alone make me satisfied. It’s going to be a great week because your grace and generosity make me rich, joyful and filled with hope! You will never let me down. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Start the week in prayer, meditating on this devotion and its verses above. What in your life do you pursue, or must you have, so that you can be happy without God? Do you notice how God’s jealous love finds a way to make you struggle with it? That’s good! He’s seeking you, pursuing you, and saving you! Pray about this. Be specific. Confess your tendency to find fulfillment in ________, and then admit that you can’t, and never will. Ask God to replace it, to be your full life and satisfaction. When God is all you want, only then can you pray about what you think you need.

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