CrossLife- PF

Son of Suffering

There’s an old dialogue in which a Christian asks the question, “How much does Jesus love you?” 

After a moment, the Christian stretches out their arms as wide as possible and continues, “This much.” As if showing Jesus on the cross.

Here’s a song by Christian artist Matt Redman and some friends, called Son of Suffering. It shows how much Jesus loves you.

Oh, the perfect Son of God

In all His innocence

Here walking in the dirt with you and me

He knows what living is

He’s acquainted with our grief

Man of sorrows, Son of suffering

Jesus knows what it is to walk in dirt, experience grief, and suffer pain and abandonment. 

The blood and tears 

How can it be?

There’s a God who weeps

There’s a God who bleeds

Oh, praise the One 

Who would reach for me

Hallelujah to the Son of suffering

Your God weeps. Your God bleeds. Just like you. But different than you, he’s able to conquer and control all things, all sings, all mistakes so that you are saved. You are forgiven. He promises to work all things out for your good.

Some imagine You

Are distant and removed

But You chased us down in merciful pursuit

To the sinner You were grace

And the broken You embraced

And in the end, the proof is in Your wounds


Your cross, my freedom

Your stripes, my healing

All praise King Jesus

Glory to God in Heaven

Your blood, still speaking

Your love, still reaching

All praise King Jesus

Glory to God forever

God doesn’t run from you. He chases you down in merciful pursuit, like a pet owner whose dog runs away. Always speaking. Always reaching. And he has found you!

PRAYER: God of suffering, do you really love me that much? Can you really forgive me for causing your pain? Did you really die for me? You say that you did. You say that you do. Then, love you, too. Amen.

FURTHER STUDY: “The Chosen” is a new Jesus movie series. It features the song, “Son of Suffering” in season 3. This well-loved and highly recommended series will open your eyes to Jesus through the stories of his followers—and even his enemies. Watch a trailer here. Then download The Chosen App on your phone or smart TV and start watching!