CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Spiritual Gifts Are God’s Grace

Give ten people the same job description, and all ten of them will tackle its tasks just a bit differently. This is not chaos or disunity. This is God’s creative grace.

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us” (Romans 12:6)

The word for “gifts” in the original Greek language of the Bible is from the same word as “grace.” This is powerful, people.

Your spiritual gift is part of a grace package. God so loved the world that he gave his grace in the gift of his only Son Jesus Christ. By his grace, you are given the gift of salvation which is forgiveness from sins, a new and full spiritual life and a forever life in heaven. And then you are given more—a spiritual gift(s) to serve God and others with his power and purpose. 

You may not know what that gift is. You don’t always use the gift as faithfully and frequently as you should. And at times you are too selfish and think that the gift is all about you, for your benefit, and your first concern is serving your personal preferences.

God’s Word warns, “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought” (Romans 12:3). 

If your aim and purpose is using your gift in order to feel good or fulfill your dreams, you’re not using it as the gift God intended. You are being more sinfully self-centered than spiritually serving. You are cheating people God wants you to bless, you are cheating yourself, and cheating God. 

That’s why it is important that the word for “gift” comes from the same word as “grace,” which means a gift of undeserved love. 

When you should have been loving, and you were a selfish taker, God didn’t take away your gift, take away Jesus, take away his promise of life. But he kept giving, kept loving. In grace, God shows himself to be a giver.

With undeserved love, God forgives you for not using your gift his way, and urges that you use your gift “in accordance with your faith” (Romans 12:6). 

Believe in God’s gifts of grace: Jesus and salvation and spiritual gifts. By faith, put your spiritual gift to work that God is graciously giving to you and through you. 

PRAYER: Dear God of grace, your undeserved love covers me, fills me, and leads me to give of my gifts to others. Today, I pray that your grace in me multiplies, so that through me using your gifts, others find your grace. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Spend some time in 1 Corinthians 12 this week, studying spiritual gifts. Read some or all of it today, and return to it tomorrow.

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