CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Stunning Fog Photos

These breathtaking photos of fog rolling over the landscape in Northern California testify to God’s creative splendor. 

“Photographer Nicholas Steinberg has captured the dynamic beauty of the San Francisco Bay Area, and the way the ocean interacts with the nearby land, creating dramatic mountains and valleys of fog that roll over the hillsides of Marin county.

Many of them captured from the vantage point of Mount Tamalpais State Park, the rolling clouds and fog create effects that resemble ocean waves and streaming currents, pouring over hillsides and treetops.

With the addition of vibrant sunrises and sunsets, Steinberg’s photographs become iconic, peaceful visions of nature in this scenic part of Northern California” ( 

Wow! I recall my own personal experience with fog in Northern California. I was riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle across the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco. In heavy traffic. And thick fog. My wife sat behind me hanging on a bit tighter. 

I couldn’t see the bay below, or even the road. I could barely see the cars around me, but I could see the suspended cables of the bridge high above. For whatever reason, it felt like we were riding upwards—like being in an airplane taking off. Going up, and up and up some more. Weird.

With sighs of relief, we exited the fog on the other side of the bridge. Whew! We made it. I remember thinking, “Okay, back to reality. We’re not in heaven yet.” 

There’s a big difference between being in heavy fog, like riding through it on a motorcycle, and looking at it from above, like the photos. 

One is disorienting. “What’s going on?” Even a bit scary. The other is breathtaking. “Wow! This is amazing!” Even a bit otherworldly. 

This is how the Bible describes for believers in Jesus the difference between our present, earthly life and our promised, eternal life in heaven.  Right now, “We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us” (1 Corinthians 13:12, The Message)!

Our, “What’s going on?” will pass into the rear view mirror, quickly disappearing as we gasp, “Wow! This is amazing!” with a sigh of relief. And we will see God.

PRAYER: God, what’s going on in our world? I wish I could see more clearly but it feels like a fog. We need your direction and protection, Lord. Lead me through the fog into the bright skies of eternal life in heaven to see you clearly forever. Amen.

EVANGELISM ACTION: Share this fog blog with a friend who needs Jesus. The beauty and reality of creation is a powerful testimony to the handiwork of a Creator. The beauty and reality of heaven is a powerful testimony to the handiwork of that Creator who is also our Savior.