CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

The Hidden Meaning of 37 Logos

You probably know that the “C” in the Chick-fil-A logo is cleverly designed to look like a chicken. Okay, that’s easy.

And maybe you’ve heard why the logo of tech giant Apple has a bite out of it, right? Because the designer wanted to be sure that when the logo was smaller it wouldn’t look like a cherry. 

And maybe you’ve seen that the Tostitos logo features a red dot over the “i” that represents a bowl of salsa, and the “T’s” on either side depict two people sharing a chip with said salsa.

I won’t tell you about the FedEx logo containing an arrow pointing forward to communicate fast delivery. See if you can find it. Here’s a fun article from Reader’s Digest telling the secret hidden meanings of 36 logos. 

But they missed the best one. Did you know that the very word “logos” has its own hidden meaning? I’ll give you a hint, it’s in John 1:1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

It appears three times. “Word.” That’s the translation of the Greek word “logos,” which means message, communication, or word. Now, do you see him? Do you see Jesus there? He’s “the Word.”

Jesus is the revelation, the communication, the message of God to humanity, to you. The hidden mystery of salvation is revealed to all who receive the message. 

You are saved! You are not just anyone but you are a specially designed and redeemed masterpiece of God who loves it that you love him. 

That’s what Jesus says. That’s what Jesus does. He is the logos.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, you are the Word of God, revealing God and at the same time living forever as true God. I pray that as you communicate divine love, peace and courage to me, I am listening, growing and being who you made me to be. Amen.

FURTHER STUDY: How do the following verses teach about Jesus as the logos? Hebrews 1:1-3; Luke 4:1-21; Acts 3:22.