Dear God, promise me that you’ll never leave me alone.
“I promise.”
Dear God, promise me that you’ll never give up on me.
“I promise.”
Dear God, promise me that you’ll never forget about me.
“I promise.”
Dear God, promise me that you’ll never leave me alone, even if I’m not calling out to you.
“I will never ever leave you alone.”
Dear God, promise me that you’ll never give up on me, even if I’m not trying hard enough.
“I will never ever give up on you.”
Dear God, promise me that you’ll never forget about me, even if in a moment of weak faith I forget how faithful you are.
“I will never forget about you.”
God makes this promise in Hebrews 13:5 that reminds me of someone providing absolute assurance that they will certainly, guaranteed, without a doubt be there.
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
It’s a bit odd in the original Greek language because it is written with three negatives. Something like, “Never, no, never.” Triple assurance. Repeated emphasis. This is something God wants you to be rock solid certain about.
He is the God who stays with you. He is the God who is there for you. He is the God who came in Jesus Christ to save you and his will is for you to be with him forever.
PRAYER: God, thank you for your promises. So certain. So loving. So true. And thank you for knowing I need reassurance that you will never leave me or forsake me. This is my confidence for today. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Hebrews 13:5,6. This promise is applied here to contentment. What do you need to be more content about? How will you know that you are practicing such contentment?