CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

They Tried to Bury Us

Have you been stepped on, and you feel flattened and unappreciated? Down and out?

Have you been denied an opportunity you desired? Your dream seems crushed by another person.

Have you buried a talent or passion because you’re afraid of expressing it fully or afraid of failure? 

These words by Greek poet Dinos Christianopoulos came into my inbox today, and they are for you: 

“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.”

Various political and social movements have claimed that statement as a rally cry, including Mexican activists. Better than that, any truth behind those words can be found in the Bible and applies to the Christian faith.

“What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed” (1 Corinthians 15:36,37).

Those words are from the great resurrection chapter that proclaims victory over death because Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus was buried, but he came back to life. Like a seed.

As we journey toward Easter during this season of Lent, we need to remember that in Jesus’ mission and in our lives, there is never a cross without a crown, and never a crucifixion without a resurrection. Our Savior God has overcome sin and death in us and promises us the gift of forgiveness and new life, even heaven eternally!

He is the one with the power. Not the executive board, not the city council, not the consultants, the accountants, the social media critics or even your own delusional feelings that so convincingly call you a loser, a failure. 

They all might try to bury you. They don’t know you are a seed, because your suffering Savior was also buried and like a seed he sprouted into a greater, glorious, resurrected life. They may not know what your Savior can do, and will do, in your life, to your dreams, with your passions.

Live victoriously today!

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, they tried to bury you but didn’t know you were a seed. Today, empower me to cling to your powerful promise that I am a seed, too. That when I’m buried or feel down, these have no power over you and the new life you give me. Amen.

EVANGELISM ACTION: This secular saying about seeds is a general life principle that those who don’t yet believe in Jesus can understand. Talk about it with a friend who needs Jesus. Connect it to something greater than human resilience or power—to the saving power of Jesus.