CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Tooth Fairy Payouts Are Dropping in Value

Delta Dental has been tracking the tooth fairy for 26 years. They keep an eye on the payout to a child for a lost tooth. They also compare S&P 500 trends with the tooth fairy’s payouts to children.

Well, for the first time since 2019, the value of a lost tooth is dropping. The tooth fairy — aka parents — paid an average of $5.84 for a lost tooth last year, compared to $6.23 the year before. The tooth fairy is also apparently worn down by inflation.

So, kids, at this rate, you better start losing as many teeth as soon as possible unless the economy recovers!

Or, here’s a better solution, sink your teeth into a value that never drops — the value of a non-fictional, non-fairy tale, real, historical helper, healer and Savior. Actually, he made your teeth and created the process for them to be replaced by your adult teeth. His name is Jesus.

Jesus is real, and his value isn’t conditional on the economy or the weather or how many teeth or tattoos you have or don’t have. 

“We believe that Jesus died and rose again” (1 Thessalonians 4:14). 

PRAYER: Jesus, you hold priceless value. I praise you for the gift of salvation. Teach me to honor you and your gift, appreciate your saving promises and love you more than anything. Amen.

EVANGELISM ACTION: Ask a friend who needs Jesus to guess the value of a lost tooth, then share with them the value of Jesus.