CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Unused Gift Card? Good News!

47% of adults have an unused gift card, or two, or more. 

This adds up to over $21 billion in revenue for restaurants, coffee shops, online shopping, and home improvement stores if consumers like us do not use our gift cards.

Now, some good news is that you can use your gift card, but be sure to check if and when it expires. 6% of gift cards go unused!

And did you know that some gift cards have “inactivity fees?” That’s right, the next time you make a purchase at your favorite craft store with a gift card your kids gave you 16 months ago … well, be prepared that you might have lost $10-20 just by that card sitting around doing nothing.

Here’s the really good news. Spiritual gift cards never expire, don’t incur inactivity fees, and are more loaded than any believer can pray for or imagine.

Spiritual gift cards are the equivalent of blessings that God has in mind for you to enjoy. He promises them and plans for them. His purpose is that you use them. 

It can happen, however, and often does, that we don’t use the blessings God has ready and waiting for us. When the Bible says, “You do not have because you do not ask God” (James 4:2), God is telling us that we’re not using our gift cards. They’re just sitting around doing nothing.

If I used all the gift cards in my possession right now, I think I’d have the shopping and eating extravaganza of a lifetime. Wow, that would be fun!

If you tune into God’s blessings, trust God more in prayer, take his Word more seriously and follow his ways more intently, you will discover a faith life more like extravaganza and less like expired gift cards. Which are worthless.

PRAYER: God, your blessings are sure, and never end. I believe you have more blessings planned for me than I’ve ever thought about, or asked for in prayer. Thank you for your kindness, generosity, and patience. I want more of your blessings, not to fill myself up with things, but to fill myself up with more of you. Amen.

TAKE THE NEXT STEP: How were you challenged by these words today? Take a God-honoring risk and send this to another person, challenging them the same way. Then talk about it.