CrossLife- PF

Valentine’s Day

Sometimes it takes healing to love.

Jesus once healed this group of ten lepers from their incurable, infectious skin disease known as leprosy.

“One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him – and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, ‘Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?’ Then he said to him, ‘Rise and go; your faith has made you well’” (Luke 17:15-19).

Nine saw only their healing and not the Healer. Only one appreciated both.

There are times when I haven’t appreciated you, my valentine, but only what you provide. I wear the clean clothes you wash, dry, fold, and iron. I drive the car you repaired, and filled with gas and oil. I play with the kids when I get home because you’ve parented them all day, fed them dinner, bathed them and put them in their pajamas. I spend your hard-earned paycheck at the grocery store as if the money is just always supposed to be there. I take a nap while you run errands. I scroll through Instagram on the network you maintain.

I have appreciated what you provide, but not always you, my love. For this I need healing. It’s the kind of healing that only Jesus can give. It’s a miracle of his love. A forgiveness bought only with his blood and tears and selfless love. It is mine through my faith, and even that he gives by grace. Just as you forgive me because of his love.

I want you to know that I love Jesus, and appreciate that he has given me his undeserved love—a part of which is you, a gift from God. Only by faith am I made well. Only by faith am I forgiven. Only by faith do I now see both your gifts to me and also you yourself as a gift.

I am thankful for the clean dishes and for you, the dish cleaner. I am thankful for the car that runs, and you for keeping it running. I am thankful for the food on the table and for you the chef. I am thankful for our healthy relationship, and for the health God gives to you. I am thankful that we can sit in church together, and for your Christian faith. I am thankful for our children, and for you as a caring and supportive parent.

My faith believes in the greatest love which comes from Jesus, and my faith believes in you because you are his. And we follow him together. Thank Jesus with me that our faith makes us well. Happy Valentine’s Day!

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, remember especially today my loved one. Keep them in your special care, connected to your divine love, and someone who by faith appreciates your gifts. Lead my faith to appreciate them and serve them. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Thank God today for 5 things you appreciate about a special someone. And tell them, too.