The joy of a couple, hoping for children, finally becoming pregnant is soon replaced with morning sickness. And pregnant tiredness. Then a baby who is convinced the world revolves around her needs, no matter what time it is. “What did we get ourselves into?” the couple wonders wearily.

Over the years, they are blessed with three more children, a dog, some goldfish, and a rescue cat. After the kids graduate, the empty nester couple looks back with pleasant appreciation. “How did we manage all that?” they sigh with a smile.

What are you facing today that seems overwhelming? Do you have what it takes to do it well?

Someday, you will look back on it, and see it as Jesus sees it now. You will sigh with a smile and say, “How did I do it?”

Jesus will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21).

How can you do it? Today’s overwhelming task, or broken relationship, or controlling addiction, or dead-end job. Do you have what it takes?

Yes. For Jesus to tell you that you are faithful, that means you need something with which to be faithful. Something to be responsible for. Something given.

Instead of looking at today’s tasks and seeing obstacles, thank God for the blessings you’ve been given. Be faithful with them. Use them well. Be as good as Jesus, in his grace, is making you to be.

Life is full of gifts, all leading to eternal life as the ultimate gift. Learn to better enjoy it. For perspective and encouragement, listen to this song by The Afters called “Well Done.”

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, when I focus on serving you instead of myself, I more clearly see your blessings, appreciate them, and use them for what you’ve called me to do. Thank you for equipping me well. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: In the parable where Jesus makes the statement, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” three different servants are given bags of gold. Two of the servants invest the gold, and one buries it, fearing the risk of investing. Before opening your Bible, say a prayer asking for God to open your mind, turn on the light in your heart, and reveal divine truth. Read Matthew 25:14-30. Compare and contrast the two servants who receive the affirmation, “Well done,” to the third servant who is called “wicked and lazy.”

  1. The servants describe their feelings about their master differently. “You entrusted … I gained,” contrasts with, “You are a hard man … I was afraid.” How you view God radically changes what you do in life! Does God want you acting out of fear?
  2. “Here is what belongs to you,” is the wicked servant’s attempt at pleasing his master. The faithful servants each say “you entrusted me with.” What is the difference?