In the middle of the terrible pain and injustice of Jesus’ crucifixion, God’s Word invites us into a very touching and personal moment.
Jesus is going to die. The criminal on the cross next to him is going to die. They have words. Good words. Life-changing words. Forever words.
The criminal knows the end is coming soon. He knows his mistakes and shame. He admits that he is getting what he deserves—the punishment fits his crime. But he sees in Jesus a Savior who committed no crime, who makes no mistakes, who can save sinners. Even the worst.
So he turns to Jesus, “‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ Jesus answered him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise’” (Luke 23:42,43).
This is how it works when someone is dying, isn’t it? Your moment with them becomes so personal.
“Grandma, remember how you’d always bake peanut butter cookies for me when I’d visit you after school?” Personal.
“Sweetheart, remember our wedding day 60 years ago?” Personal.
“Hey man, remember when we were in school together and you got in a fight to protect me?” Personal.
And here it is. There’s something deeply touching and personal in this moment when a dying criminal turns to Jesus and pleads, “Remember me.”
Jesus would soon die. His body would be buried, but his spirit would be accepted into the kingdom of heaven. Could that possibly happen for this criminal, too? Yes.
Heaven is more than a kingdom to enter, it’s a paradise to enjoy. “It is all yours, my friend. And I will be there with you,” Jesus promises. Not later, after you have proven yourself worthy. Not later, after you have spent time in a holding place or some galactic timeout thinking about everything you’ve done wrong. Not later, after others have the chance to pray for your soul. “Today.” Right now.
When you believe in Jesus, and when you die, your soul does not stop, disappear, or get trapped in a dead corpse. Your soul lives on, and enters heaven immediately! Jesus promises heaven to everyone who believes in him.
The day will come for you when your time in this world will end. You will likely understand that, understand that your days aren’t many, feel what it is like to draw in your final breaths.
Like this criminal, you will remember your past, with both painful regrets and joyful memories. More important in that moment is that Jesus remembers you.
Jesus promises to be with you. Jesus welcomes your soul into heaven the moment you die. It’s very personal. And very peaceful.
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I believe in your resurrection and my eternal life. I know that you will take my soul to be with you in heaven, immediately at the moment I die. Give me joy and hope in that moment, and every moment until then. Amen.
EVANGELISM ACTION: Ask a friend who needs Jesus if they know what happens to a person’s soul when they die as a believer in Jesus. Ask if you can share the story of the criminal on the cross, his conversation with Jesus, and the promise that he believed—at the moment of death, a believer’s soul goes immediately to heaven.