CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

What If? What If? What If?

What if you won’t be able to buy a house any time soon in this market? What if your friend isn’t interested when you invite them to church? What if you decide to get married but really don’t want to share the bed, the fridge and the thermostat on the AC? 

What if? 

What if? 

What if?

We ask these questions. They’re good, analytical questions but, left to themselves, they’ll only convince us of lies. 

Learn to ask better questions like a man who lived in Jericho during Jesus’ time. His name was Zacchaeus, a Jewish man who worked for the Roman government as a tax collector. He lived with the guilt of cheating and extorting people. 

Zacchaeus heard that Jesus was coming to Jericho. “What if Jesus sees me? What if Jesus can forgive me? What if I climb a tree to get a better look at Jesus in the crowd? What if Jesus would come to my house?” So he climbed a tree. 

Jesus saw him, forgave him, came to his place for dinner, and said, “Today salvation has come to this house” (Luke 19:9).

So learn to ask with less doubt and despair, and more faith in the mercy and might of God. Be patient with yourself or others asking those analytical questions like “What if I can’t do it? What if it’s the wrong decision? What if it’s a financial loss? What if it hurts? What if I let others down? What if it’s too much work?” 

We all ask those questions because we’re human. They’re real. They’re good questions. But they’re not the only questions and not the best questions. The best questions are questions of amazement, of faith, and of interest in what God can do. Questions that focus less on you and more on God.

Questions like, “What if God is on my side? What if Jesus is my friend? What if God is always faithful and forgiving? What if God hears and answers every one of my prayers in perfect wisdom and love? What if Jesus rose from the dead and is Lord over my problems? What if I let go of my own limited understanding and trust in God’s purposes and plans? What if the future is in God’s hands? What if Jesus sends his angels to watch over my kids?”

Ask more “What if” questions about God than about your circumstances, and you’ll live with greater faith.

PRAYER: Gracious God, you are patient with my analytical questions looking for answers. You are kind and forgiving when I ask “what if” questions without faith. I appreciate your certain answers so that I can ask “what if” about you, knowing your true love. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Deuteronomy 9:3. What’s the difference between asking “What if I can’t …” and “What if God will …”?