CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

When You See God’s Face

When was the last time you were looking for God? 

I mean, you were praying, you were asking for direction or strength, you needed to let go of something or someone but wanted to be sure God was picking up on the other end, you had a question, your soul was thirsty for relief or hungry for new faith, you had to confess something and be assured of forgiveness, you were reading the Bible and paused in amazement that just needed to be in awe of God for a moment.

Do you think you look for God a lot? I think you do. I know I do, but I’m not always labeling it “looking for God.” 

And, when you’re looking for him, do you ever see him, do you ever find him, or receive his answer, or believe his promise, or rest in his grace? I think you do. I know I do.

Here’s how the Bible describes it. “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always” (Psalm 105:4).

Imagine you’re traveling with a close companion—a spouse, family member or dear friend. You’re at a crowded airport, and you’re looking for each other after being separated. Maybe you went to get coffee and they went to buy some snacks. Maybe you lost track of each other.

You’re looking for each other, among the thousands of other faces of people pushing and crowding and talking. You’re looking. Scanning. Searching. Seeking their face.

There they are! Okay, how would you describe that moment? Relief. Joy. Eagerness. Reconnection. Feeling more stable. Less to worry about. 

That’s what it means to seek God’s face and find it. No, you don’t actually see him (not until heaven) but you do find in him relief, joy, eagerness, reconnection, stability, less worry, and more. 

More than that, he sees you, too. And loves the moment as much as you do!

Seek the Lord today. Search your busy day for his strength. Scan your long list of worries and find Jesus searching for you, too. Visualize locking eyes with him, and he focuses on you personally, smiling. 

PRAYER: I seek you today, Lord. I search for your strength to save me, and help me accomplish what I can’t on my own. All along, I trust that you seek and search for me, too. Let’s find each other again, today! I love you. Amen.

TAKE THE NEXT STEP: At what time during your day do you find that God seems most distant to you? What can you do to more intentionally seek his face at this time?