CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Who Is Changed by God’s Living Water?

“VIP Water Day” at Vacation Bible School was a different day. We invited parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors to CrossLife Church. 

They joined the kids for the opening Bible teaching, celebrating, cheering, praying and singing. Oops, the VIPs kinda got wet. Then, we had water games for the kids and the VIPs took pictures while the kids got wet. Soaking wet!

We changed the schedule for Vacation Bible School that day to accommodate the VIPs and water games. It was a different day.

Who is changed by God’s living water? VIPs loved by Jesus. Very important people who want to be different. Less angry. More patient and kind. More intimately honest with Jesus. Growing in biblical knowledge and understanding. Strengthened with courage and confidence to fight spiritual battles for the Lord. 

Who is changed by God’s living water? Children of all ages. We’re naive compared to God’s incomprehensible wisdom. We’re weak compared to Christians of superior stamina or resilience. We like shiny things. We get hangry. We don’t like to admit we need help. We do bad things, don’t admit it, and blame others. 

Who is changed by God’s living water? Sinners like you and me who need salvation through Jesus Christ. We’re washed clean! We’re filled up!

God’s living water changed the circumstances for Jesus, God’s Son, who came from heaven, lived here with us, but was killed even though he didn’t do anything wrong. Do you know who killed him? 

Good people. Not terrorists. Not hit men or hired murderers. Church people, actually. Embarrassingly. Good people doing good things to make the world a good place, and Jesus told them that they needed to change. 

He told them that their good wasn’t good enough, that they needed their sins to be cleaned up. He promised free forgiveness from his Heavenly Father. That offended them, being told they were sinners. So they killed him, basically proving his point. 

Later, the disciple Peter stood in front of a huge crowd on Pentecost, a Jewish religious festival, pointed at them all and preached, “‘God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.’ When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, ‘Brothers, what shall we do’” (Acts 2:36,37)? 

Something big changed this world forever. Jesus rose from the dead. He became alive and is now both “Lord” (ultimate sovereign power over all authority, evil, sin and your life) and “Messiah” (only true Savior promised in the Bible). What does he do with all that power? Two words: changes lives. 

“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children” (Acts 2:38,39). 

Have you studied baptism? Actually studied it. Not just learned about it from your grandma or Instagram. Have you looked at all the Bible verses about baptism, researched how Christians have baptized babies since the beginning of the Christian church? 

Vacation Bible School this past week was fun, faith-filled and Jesus was doing his work in the lives of children. I have heard some powerful stories from parents, and I know there are more. Some of the most fun we had was with water. Some of the most fun I had was running around dousing the kids with water, and their screams of joy. “Get me! Get me!”

But here is something even more powerful and joyful. Your kids coming to you or to me and saying “Get me! Get me! Get me with God’s living water! Can I get baptized?”

While I’m at it, if you’re not yet baptized, God can get you, and your kids, too. God makes a big splash. Take the plunge. I’ll help you. 

PRAYER: God, your living water changes lives. Bless many with the power and promise of baptism, which washes away sins, gives the gift of faith from the Holy Spirit, and promises forgiveness and salvation. Help me understand baptism even more, and live it fully as it changes me. Amen.

EVANGELISM ACTION: Do you know for sure if your friends are baptized? Ask them, then see where God guides the conversation. Be ready to share the message in this blog. “Get me! Get me!”