CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Why Am I Here?

I’ve ministered to plenty of seniors living in care centers. As they wind down their time on this earth, they long for heaven more each day. A common question they ask me is, “Why am I here?”

They just conclude that heaven is such a better place, they believe in Jesus who is preparing an eternal home for them there. So why not yet?

Interestingly, a young mom who lives in a beautiful home with a dream husband, perfect neighbors and shiny new Tesla parked in the garage can ask the same question. “Why am I here?” 

So can a college freshman, a young tech professional who has moved across the country for a promising new career that isn’t working out, a veteran retiring from the military at age 32 with a life long disability, and basically anyone who gets out of bed in the morning. 

So, are you here? Why are you where you are in life right now? Why do you live where you live, why do you steer your Toyota Camry along the same roads to your job every day or to the kids’ swimming practice every day, why are you spending late nights each weekend with these friends, why did you agree to lead the new project or sign up for hot yoga or get into a relationship? 

Why am I here? I love the question. It’s so clarifying. If you’re willing to accept an answer that is not your own. And for that to be true, it needs to be a curious question and not a constant complaint. What’s the difference? 

Tune into further blogs, but for today I’ll share with you an answer I usually give to the elderly in care centers who ask, “Why am I here?” It goes something like this:

I hold their hand, look them in the eye and see not a rebel accusing God of corruption or confusion. I gently speak, “Margaret, you’re here because God wants you here. You’re here because these caregivers need more Jesus, and they get to know him because they see how you suffer with faith in him, they hear how you pray for his glory more than yours, they know you love Jesus and they want to believe in him too. You’re here because your grandchildren visit you and color pictures of the cross for you and you tell them how God has designed them and Jesus loves them so much. You’re here because God’s kingdom is here, and God is here working in you and also through you.”

Mary learned the same thing when she agreed to become the mother who would give birth to Jesus. “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:34).

PRAYER: God, why am I here? Help me believe in your bigger reason for why I live where I live, work where I work, or go to school where I go to school. Help me accept your answer, one that gives me purpose beyond myself and a divine calling. Amen.

REFLECT, SHARE, DISCUSS: What is the most frequent reason you ask the question “why am I here?” Same place? Same stress or same feelings or same person? Ask God to clarify it for you.