CrossLife- PF

Why I Love Imperfect Worship

I agree with Paul that it would sure be a zillion times better to be living perfectly in heaven right now (Philippians 1:23).

But since I’m here—and I’m glad that I am, really—I am going to make the best of it. 

Now, this world isn’t perfect, and neither am I, and neither is church. Actually, this world is sin-infected, wicked, deceptive, and it pulls me into its evil and lies with a force greater than gravity. I’m daily attacked by difficulties and pain, some of which is my own doing. 

CrossLife Church is not heaven. 

Sometimes because I’m here and I’m imperfect (did I mention that?). Sometimes because you’re here and you’re imperfect (can you admit that?). 

Sometimes because one of us listens to sin living inside of us and we take our own, selfish way instead of Jesus’ way; we listen to the lies of the devil instead of the truths of God. 

I often joke with our church president that we had the almost perfect worship service on Sunday morning. And we nod and say, “Maybe next Sunday,” then laugh. 

It’s not going to happen, even if people pack God’s house with standing room only, and I deliver a grand slam Spirit-empowering sermon and the music inspires and guests show up who come to believe that Jesus changes their lives. 

Worship won’t be perfect this side of heaven. Which is why I love it. You see, I’m not in heaven right now and neither are you. 

Worship lifts our spirits to Jesus who is in heaven, far above us and this imperfect world. 

Worship inspires our faith to rise above the imperfect struggles of marriage and family, the imperfect job with the far-from-perfect coworkers, the imperfect discipline of healthy eating and exercising, the imperfect commitment to friends and family.

While we rub up against all these imperfections which can really start to hurt with hardships and overwhelm with shame. But we find a worship here on this imperfect earth which is different than heavenly, angelic worship. 

For sure, that will be great, but what we get to enjoy right now is the glory of Jesus as he redeems, heals and takes on himself our imperfections. 

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:35,37).

Those things won’t be in heaven, and worship will be so much different in eternity. But those things are here now. Worshiping Jesus, we find again his inseparable love and an invincible life of victory through the blood, sweat and tears.

Praise God! It feels good. It is good. There won’t be anything like it in heaven. It’s what you need right now. 

See you in church!

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, worship is more about you than it is about me or the people around me or the church where I worship. Clarify my faith to focus on you in my worship, as imperfect as it is, to enjoy now what I will not enjoy in heaven. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: You can worship with more heart and faith, and more appreciation for God and his truth, by listening to our worship songs from CrossLife. You’ll find them on this playlist. Share with friends!