CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Witness Without Talking?

How is your witnessing? Are you joining Jesus on his mission to share the gospel with others? Inviting them to church? 

You don’t have to memorize a bunch of Bible verses, recite a creed in Latin, or even give your personal testimony—you certainly can, but for starters keep it simple.

Don’t talk. No stumbling over speeches. No saying something stupid. Don’t make it so complicated. Instead, just listen

“Everyone should be quick to listen” (James 1:19).

Believe me, people will talk. If you just stop talking, and care about people, they will talk. Americans are more lonely than ever. People are looking for personal attention and connection. An 81-page report from the US Surgeon General says that Americans are spending only 20 minutes a day in person with friends these days. 

People will talk to you because they need to talk to someone. Your silence as you look them in the eye and listen is a wonderful gift, and you don’t have to say a thing. It’s so simple. Here’s how simple it is.

Get their name. I will just say, “Hi, I’m Daron.” That’s it. Easily open ended. Often with a hand shake. Most people will reply, “I’m _______.” Good start!

Then listen further by asking another powerful, simple, and appreciated question that cares and creates conversation. “How’s your day going?” Whether it’s 5:30 a.m. at the gym or 5:30 p.m. at the neighborhood mailboxes, it’s a valid, universal question that shares, in a nice way, “I’m interested. I care. I’m listening.”

Now, you haven’t been talking at all yet. You’re just loving someone by listening. This is the next open-ended, non-threatening question that begins to explore Jesus. Once they tell you how their day is going, ask: “Can I pray about that for you?”

Next, when you see them again later, there’s still no pressure to talk, it’s still not complicated. Just ask, “How’s it going with [prayer need]?” They’ll update you and you can update your prayers. This can happen often throughout one, single situation.

Finally, it’s time to talk. This is as simple as it gets. No matter what their circumstances, learn to say, “Jesus is up to something.” That’s it. No pressure on you or on them. Let that sit without a sermon. 

And it’s always true. Jesus is up to something, for real. Bring him into their story. They’ll be thinking about that and getting more curious about Jesus which is wonderful because he loves them and saves them. 

So the people in your life who need Jesus, what are they ready for? To know they aren’t alone? A friend who listens and isn’t in a hurry? To finally believe that their shame is forgiven and covered by a real person named Jesus? So which one of these, or anything else? Just listen. They’ll tell you. It’s that simple.

PRAYER: Jesus, teach me to better listen, and to ask caring questions that help others clarify what is meaningful to them and to you. I pray for those people in my life who are near me because you want me to witness to them. By first listening. Amen.

EVANGELISM ACTION: Who needs your listening ear and heart today? Pray right now for an opportunity. At CrossLife Church, begin praying for the one person you will invite on Invite Your One Sunday, September 24.