I had this desk lamp that flickered. As in, suddenly it would just turn off. I’d ignore it, accept it, and keep working. Then it would turn back on.
Do you ever feel that way about you and God? One day you’re dialed in, trusting him above all things, fighting off temptation and declaring victory. The next day you collapse under a burden, curl up in shame, or crawl timidly because some kind of circumstances took control, instead of your faith in God.
Sometimes God is so near, and other times it seems like he’s busy on the other side of the galaxy making lots of other people happy but not you.
On. Off. On. Off. On. Off. You try to ignore it, accept it and keep living. But it’s just not right. Maybe you’re doing something wrong. Maybe God isn’t as good as he promises. Maybe this religion thing isn’t the peace and joy that some say it is.
“In [Jesus] was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4,5).
Maybe you’re just not seeing the light? There could be some different reasons for that.
You might be looking for Jesus behind a specific door, but he’s standing right next to you.
You might be expecting the Father to answer your prayer through a change in circumstances, but he’s already answered it by changing your heart.
You might be waiting for fireworks to light up your life, and the Spirit has them all lined up, he’s just waiting for you to use his lighter.
God, you see, is always here. God was here even before Jesus came to be born. God is still here even though Jesus has risen and ascended. Not just being everywhere, but being specifically right where you are. How specifically?
In Ephesians 3 the Bible says that God the Father strengthens you “through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith” (vv. 16,17). And when you know God’s love by faith, then you are “filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (v. 19).
You don’t need to go through your life waiting for God to show up, as if a desk lamp has suddenly gone out and you just hope it comes back on soon. Jesus Christ is in you, and doesn’t flicker.
PRAYER: God, it seems like you’re sometimes here and sometimes not, like a desk lamp that flickers. Open my eyes to see your light that you shine your way all the time. As Christ’s light lives in me, reflect him through me to others. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Ephesians 3:14-21. Pick one word in that section that you appreciate with thanks, and another word that you need to work on with God’s saving help. Pray about those 2 words now.