CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Your Heart’s Delight

How well do you understand your heart? Did you know that every human being has a different heartbeat? Doctors call it our “cardiac signature.” I call it God’s signature on a masterpiece he has made, shaping you with a design and purpose that is uniquely you.

The Bible uses the word “heart” not just as a muscle that pumps blood through your body. Many more times, the Bible uses the word “heart”to define what motivates you—your desires and dreams, your ambitions and affections.

So, there are things that you care deeply about and other things you couldn’t care less about. You love art. She thinks spreadsheets are fun. Your heart is full when you’re connecting with people. His heart is full when he’s completing projects. You may have the same beliefs as others, but your heart may be different so you appreciate and apply those beliefs in a different way.

Your heart is part of God’s unique design and purpose for you. Therefore, what you care deeply about, God cares deeply about that too.

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). The Bible uses different words for trust, this one pictures falling backwards into somebody’s arms, in this case, your Lord God’s arms.

Here is what happens when you are trusting in the Lord (and he always comes through). Your heart lights up. You delight in him, like when it’s your birthday and you enjoy your favorite meal and gifts and the love of those dear to you. Brighter than the candles on your cake is your heart finding great pleasure in that moment.

Does your heart light up when you think about God, even though all kinds of other thoughts are trying to suffocate you? Do you feel fully alive when you are doing what God designed you to do, regardless of the circumstances?

You will when your heart is aligned with his. And what lights up God’s heart? You. “The Lord takes delight in his people” (Psalm 149:4).

The Lord God made you, whistling a heavenly tune as he designed you with purpose. The Lord Jesus saved you, willingly enduring suffering, death and the hurt of your sins to show you his mercy, smile at you lovingly and say, “I forgive you. Now let’s try that again.” The Spirit of the Lord now fills you with what is holy and good, breathing the very life of Jesus into your soul.

Trust in the Lord, who designed your heart to align with his. Trust in Jesus, who wants you to delight in him as much as he delights in you.

PRAYER: Lord, thank you for shaping my heart, my motives, and my passions that are unique to me. Align my heart with yours, beating together in holiness and mission, so that my heart breaks for what breaks your heart, and my heart loves what you love. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Acts 2 this week. 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead, he sent the Holy Spirit to fill the house and hearts of his disciples.