CrossLife Church- Pflugerville, TX

Your Imperfect Invitation

The invitation was die-stamped in gold and with the Three Feather Badge of The Prince of Wales. Six hundred lucky guests received the exclusive privilege. The text read as follows:

“His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales K.G., K.T. requests the pleasure of the company of [your name in hand-lettered calligraphy] at the marriage of His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales with Ms. Meghan Markle at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on Saturday 19th May, 2018 at 12 Noon followed by a reception at Windsor Castle.”

If you received that invitation, you would have had one of three responses.

Regretfully decline. For any of a number of reasons. You’re too busy. Travel is expensive. You aren’t really interested. Or maybe you’re just not royal or noble enough to hang out with these folks. 

Not sure. Struggling to decide if this important enough. If you say yes, you want to honor your commitment, and don’t want to ruin the party. Hmmm.

Joyfully attend. Are you kidding?! Free food. Free drinks. Guaranteed entrance. Enjoying the kind of riches you’d never achieve on your own. Yes!

Here’s another invitation. From God himself. For you.

“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost … Let the wicked forsake their way and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon” (Isaiah 55:1,7). 

Okay, that sounds nice, but why could God invite you? Your mistakes. Your imperfections. Your stray or selfish thoughts. There are others more worthy.

Before your regretfully decline, realize this. You are invited. You are already invited. You. The invitation is printed, and sent. It is yours. Your name. If you’re not sure, then look again.

You don’t need to be perfect to be invited. You don’t need enough royal church membership or noble deeds of service to be considered rich and privileged. “Without cost.” You don’t need to bring anything. Free spiritual nourishment. Free spiritual refreshment. Free spiritual community and connections. “Come, all.” Free salvation. Those who are imperfect are invited, and guaranteed entrance. Joyfully attend!

PRAYER: How could you invite me, God? Why would you invite me? I cannot comprehend the extent of your mercy and pardon. But I’m invited, imperfect as I am! I won’t ask if I need to bring anything. You’ve got it covered! Amen.


“Come all you weary, Come all you thirsty

Come to the well That never runs dry

Drink of the Water Come and thirst no more

Come all you sinners Come find His mercy

Come to the table He will satisfy

Taste of His goodness Find what you’re looking for.”

Check out the song “God So Loved” by Christian artist We The Kingdom. They connect the Isaiah 55 invitation with the gospel promise in John 3:16.